Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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Towards zero emissions, what guarantees do printing and dyeing enterprises need to develop?

2023-06-13 14:02:41

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of environmental awareness and the continuous strengthening of policies, printing and dyeing enterprises are also pursuing the goal of zero emissions. However, to achieve this goal, only the efforts of the enterprise itself is far from enough, and it also needs the support and guarantee of policies and all sectors of society. This paper will discuss the development direction of printing and dyeing enterprises and the necessary safeguard measures from the three perspectives of technology, policy and society.

First, technical support

1.1 Sewage treatment technology

The pollution of printing and dyeing enterprises mainly comes from wastewater, so it is necessary to adopt effective sewage treatment technology to purify and discharge wastewater and reduce environmental pollution. At present, the common sewage treatment technologies include physical and chemical methods, biological methods and so on. On this basis, enterprises also need to continuously optimize technology, improve processing efficiency and reduce processing costs.

1.2 Energy Saving Technology

Energy saving and emission reduction is the key to the sustainable development of enterprises, and printing and dyeing enterprises are no exception. Therefore, enterprises need to use advanced energy-saving technologies in the production process, such as heat exchangers, waste heat recovery, etc., to reduce energy consumption and emissions. At the same time, energy consumption assessment and monitoring are also needed to continuously optimize the production process and improve energy efficiency.

1.3 Green Chemicals

Printing and dyeing enterprises need a lot of chemicals in the production process, including dyes, auxiliaries and so on. Therefore, enterprises need to choose green chemicals with low pollution, high efficiency and low emissions, and also need to control the use and storage management of chemicals to avoid pollution to the environment.

Second, policy guarantee

2.1 Policy Guidance

Policy guidance is crucial to the development of enterprises. The government can introduce relevant policies and regulations to promote the green development of printing and dyeing enterprises, such as implementing environmental protection taxes and subsidizing the construction of environmental protection facilities. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the crackdown on environmental violations to form a certain deterrent effect.

2.2 Reward Mechanism

The government can give certain incentives to green printing and dyeing enterprises, such as tax breaks, land concessions, etc., to encourage enterprises to actively promote green production. This reward mechanism can improve the awareness of enterprises on environmental protection and promote the conscious participation of enterprises in environmental protection work.

2.3 Supervision mechanism

The government also needs to strengthen the supervision of printing and dyeing enterprises to ensure that enterprises strictly comply with environmental regulations and standards, and take legal and compliant environmental protection measures. For illegal enterprises, strict penalties should be taken to protect the environment and public interests.


Third, social security

3.1 Publicity and Education

Environmental protection is not only the responsibility of enterprises, but also the responsibility of society. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and education on environmental protection issues, let the public understand the environmental problems of printing and dyeing enterprises, guide the public to actively participate in environmental protection work, and form an atmosphere and motivation for the whole society to pay attention to environmental protection.

3.2 Consumption Guidance

The public's consumption habits also have an impact on environmental protection, printing and dyeing enterprises also need to consider the public's consumer demand and consumer behavior. Therefore, enterprises need to advocate energy conservation and environmental protection consumption, promote green products, and strengthen communication and exchange with consumers to guide consumers to rational consumption.

3.3 Industry self-discipline

Printing and dyeing enterprises also need to strengthen self-discipline in the industry, consciously comply with environmental regulations and standards, and carry out environmental publicity, technical training and other activities through industry organizations to share green development experience and technology. Industry self-discipline helps to establish a good image of the industry and improve public trust in printing and dyeing enterprises.

In short, to zero emissions is the way printing and dyeing enterprises must go. In the face of challenges and opportunities, enterprises need to continue to innovate, adopt scientific and technological means and environmental protection measures, but also need the support and protection of policies and social parties. Only the joint efforts of the whole society can achieve the sustainable development of printing and dyeing enterprises and build a beautiful China.

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