Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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Printing and dyeing industry must! Zero emission system online!

2023-04-14 17:11:21

Printing and dyeing industry is an industry with high pollution emissions. For a long time, various chemical substances have been discharged into the air and water in the printing and dyeing process, which has brought great threats to the environment and human health. With the increase of global environmental awareness, the printing and dyeing industry is also gradually transforming and accelerating the pace of green production. Therefore, the emergence of zero-emission systems is undoubtedly a big good news for the printing and dyeing industry.

Zero emission system refers to the printing and dyeing industry, through advanced technical means, reduce or eliminate various harmful wastewater and exhaust emissions generated in the printing and dyeing process, in order to achieve the goal of "zero emission". The realization of the zero-emission system requires the participation of all printing and dyeing enterprises, from the production link to the output of substances, need to optimize the design, technological upgrading and innovation.

For printing and dyeing enterprises, the benefits of the on-line zero emission system are manifold. First of all, it can improve production efficiency, reduce resource waste and production costs, thus enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Secondly, it can improve the working environment and protect the health and safety of workers. In addition, it can also ease the pressure of environmental pollution, reduce the risk of environmental fines and legal proceedings, and improve the social image and credibility of enterprises.

The core technology of zero discharge system includes wastewater treatment technology and waste gas treatment technology. Wastewater treatment technology mainly includes biological treatment, chemical treatment, physical treatment and other methods. Biological treatment refers to the degradation of organic substances by microorganisms, the organic pollutants in wastewater into non-volatile, non-toxic and stable substances, in order to achieve the purpose of purifying wastewater. Chemical treatment is for the refractory organic matter or heavy metal wastewater, by adding chemical agents or precipitating agents to make it react and precipitate, so as to achieve the purification of wastewater. Physical treatment refers to the effective removal of suspended matter and dissolved matter in wastewater by adjusting the pH of water, temperature, pressure, and using filter materials. Waste gas treatment technology mainly includes absorption, washing, catalytic combustion, adsorption and other methods, these methods can effectively reduce the concentration of harmful substances in waste gas emissions, to achieve the purpose of purifying waste gas.

In general, the realization of zero-emission systems is crucial for the development and sustainable operation of the printing and dyeing industry. Through the promotion and application of zero-emission technology, the concept of effective use of resources, environmental protection and economic development can be realized. As more and more printing and dyeing enterprises join the construction and application of zero-emission systems, the environmental protection level of the printing and dyeing industry will be further improved and improved.

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