Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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Professional printing and dyeing wastewater treatment program to achieve zero discharge!

2023-06-13 13:56:50

With the rapid development of industrialization, the printing and dyeing industry, as an important part of the chemical industry, has increasingly serious impact on the environment. Printing and dyeing wastewater contains a lot of organic matter, inorganic salts, heavy metal ions and other pollutants, if not professional treatment, will cause great harm to the environment. Therefore, the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater is very necessary.

There are many ways to treat printing and dyeing wastewater, but at present, the more mature treatment method is to combine physical, chemical and biological means to treat. The following will introduce the professional printing and dyeing wastewater treatment scheme in detail to achieve zero discharge.

First, physical processing

Large particulate matter in printing and dyeing wastewater can be removed by physical treatment. Physical treatment methods include screening, precipitation, filtration and adsorption. Among them, screening, precipitation and filtration are mainly used to remove suspended particles and precipitated particles, while adsorption is mainly used to remove organic substances dissolved in wastewater and some harmful substances that are difficult to biodegrade.

Second, chemical treatment

Printing and dyeing wastewater contains many compounds and chemical substances, which are complex and changeable in chemical properties. The main purpose of chemical treatment is to remove some compounds such as organic matter and trace heavy metals in wastewater, and some chemical treatment methods include oxidation, reduction, precipitation, ion exchange and so on.

3. Biological treatment

Biological treatment is the use of a certain microbial community to metabolize and decompose organic matter. The organic matter in printing and dyeing wastewater is mainly biodegraded. The process of biodegradation converts organic matter in wastewater to carbon dioxide and water through mass transfer, which is economical, efficient, and can avoid secondary pollution, and is the most commonly used treatment method at present.


Fourth, comprehensive treatment

Physical, chemical and biological treatment methods have their own characteristics, but for the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater, comprehensive treatment can better play the advantages of all aspects to achieve better treatment results. Secondly, comprehensive treatment can not only improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment, but also reduce the generation of waste after treatment and harm human health, therefore, in the printing and dyeing wastewater treatment program, comprehensive treatment is essential.

In short, the implementation of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment program needs the close cooperation of all links, and the treatment methods of physical, chemical and biological aspects must be rationally used to achieve optimization. At present, the technology of integrated physical, chemical and biological treatment has become increasingly mature, which can realize zero discharge of printing and dyeing wastewater. Through the continuous treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater, we can build a more beautiful and healthy environment and create a better development space for the future.

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