Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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Smart environmental protection! Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system to turn waste into treasure secret!

2023-06-13 14:13:05

With the continuous improvement of environmental awareness and the continuous strengthening of environmental protection policies, the environmental protection problems in the production process of printing and dyeing enterprises have gradually received widespread attention. Printing and dyeing wastewater not only contains a lot of pollutants, but also causes serious harm to the environment and human health. The traditional treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater uses physical and chemical methods, but there are problems such as long treatment period and high treatment cost. With the development of science and technology, the application of intelligent environmental protection technology continues to advance, and the zero discharge system of printing and dyeing wastewater has become an important treatment method.

The principle of the printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system is to carry out in-depth treatment of the wastewater, separate the polluting substances through a variety of treatment methods, and then recycle them to achieve zero discharge and turn waste into treasure. The system mainly includes pre-treatment, biological treatment, membrane separation, recycling and other links. The following are the treatment methods and characteristics.

1. Pretreatment link: This link mainly carries out preliminary treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater to remove impurities such as suspended matter and sediment. Among them, biological method is a common pretreatment method, which can effectively remove organic matter, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus and other pollutants through bioreactor and other equipment for wastewater treatment.

2. Biological treatment link: This link mainly conducts in-depth treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater through bioreactor, decomposing organic matter, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus and other pollutants into harmless substances. The bioreactor is divided into two categories: A/O bioreactor and MBR bioreactor. A/O bioreactor is mainly used for the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater with high COD content, which can effectively remove COD, TSS, ammonia nitrogen and other pollutants, while MBR bioreactor is mainly used for the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater with low COD content, and its wastewater has high cleanliness and can be directly recycled or further treated.

3. Membrane separation process: This process mainly adopts membrane technology such as microfiltration membrane, ultrafiltration membrane, reverse osmosis membrane and electroosmosis membrane to carry out in-depth treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater and separate out pollutants such as organic matter, inorganic salt and pigment. The membrane separation process has the advantages of good treatment effect, short treatment period and high water purity, and is the key link in the zero discharge system of printing and dyeing wastewater.

4. Recycling link: This link is mainly to treat the water after membrane separation, remove residual pollutants such as residual chlorine and ammonia nitrogen, ensure water quality standards, and then recycle. There are a variety of recycling methods, and the recycled water can be used directly as production water for printing and dyeing enterprises, or for cooling circulating water, landscape water and other purposes.


The advantages of printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Zero discharge of wastewater: The printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system can carry out in-depth treatment of wastewater, separate polluting substances, achieve zero discharge of wastewater, and avoid secondary pollution to the environment.

2. Turning waste into treasure: After the zero discharge system treatment, the chemicals, dyes and nutritional elements contained in the printing and dyeing wastewater have a high utilizable value, which can be directly used as raw materials in the production of printing and dyeing enterprises, reducing the production cost of enterprises, and realizing the effect of turning waste into treasure.

3. Short treatment period, good treatment effect: printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system adopts advanced membrane separation technology, short treatment period, good treatment effect, and can more effectively separate the pollutants in printing and dyeing wastewater.

4. Environmental protection and energy saving: printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system adopts switch control technology to automate the control of wastewater, which can not only improve the treatment efficiency, but also realize the effect of energy saving and environmental protection.

In short, the printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system is a comprehensive treatment method that integrates environmental protection, energy saving, economy and safety. Enterprises can realize the efficient treatment and reuse of wastewater through the zero-discharge system, and achieve the goal of sustainable development, which is also the only way for the current printing and dyeing enterprises to develop in the direction of environmental protection, low-carbon and sustainable.

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