Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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Printing and dyeing process optimization, zero emission system came into being!

2023-06-13 14:15:25

Printing and dyeing is a complex process that involves a variety of chemicals and a lot of water. However, in the traditional printing and dyeing process, there are problems such as waste water, waste gas and solid waste in the production process, which will cause pollution and harm human health and ecological system.

With the increasing tension of world resources and the increasing environmental problems, zero emission system came into being and became the key to the optimization of printing and dyeing process.

Zero discharge system refers to the various wastes generated after treatment, so that the effluent meets the national waste water discharge standards, the waste gas meets the national waste gas discharge standards, and the solid waste can be effectively recycled and utilized to reduce environmental pollution and resource waste.

The construction of the zero-emission system needs to be optimized from every link of the printing and dyeing process, starting from the selection of raw materials, the development of dyeing agents, the selection of dyeing containers, dyeing formulas and technological processes.

First, renewable resources should be used as raw materials to minimize the use of toxic and harmful chemicals and non-renewable resources. Secondly, the development of green dyeing AIDS and dyeing agents, such as natural dyeing agents and biological dyeing agents, to reduce environmental pollution. When choosing dyeing containers, priority should be given to containers with better recycling and durability. In addition, reasonable design of dyeing process, such as the use of low temperature, low pressure, water saving cycle and other new technologies, can reduce the energy consumption of printing and dyeing process, and reduce the impact on water resources and the environment.


The advantages of zero-emission systems are not only that they can meet environmental requirements, but also that recycled solid waste can be used as fertilizer or fuel, and recycled water resources can be used for recycling. This process saves costs, improves sustainability and reduces the negative impact of production on the environment. Through the application of zero emission system, not only for the printing and dyeing industry, but also for other industries to provide a viable waste treatment solution.

In short, the optimization of printing and dyeing process needs to integrate the concept of environmental protection into the production process, the use of zero emission system not only reflects the social responsibility of the enterprise, but also meets the requirements of the state to strengthen environmental supervision. With the continuous improvement of environmental awareness, zero-emission systems will also be promoted and applied in a wider range.

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