Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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How to reduce the operating cost of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment?

2023-06-13 15:37:42

Printing and dyeing industry is a relatively large wastewater discharge industry, treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater for environmental protection and human health is very important. Printing and dyeing wastewater contains a lot of harmful substances such as dyes, auxiliaries, acids and bases. If it is not treated and discharged directly into the environment, it will cause serious harm to the environment and human health in the long run. For the treatment and recovery of printing and dyeing wastewater, printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment is essential. This paper will introduce the types, working principles and applications of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment.

1. Types of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment

1, biofilm reactor: biofilm reactor is a kind of wastewater treatment equipment that can decompose organic matter, it turns organic matter and nutrients in wastewater into sludge through artificial biofilm, so as to reduce the harmful substances contained in printing and dyeing wastewater and achieve the effect of reducing pollution.

2, activated sludge method: Activated sludge method mainly by adding ammonia nitrogen, phosphate and other nutrients, stirring printing and dyeing wastewater with a mixer, so that it fully contact with activated sludge fermentation, metabolism of organic matter, reduce organic matter emissions in wastewater.

3, anaerobic treatment method: anaerobic treatment method is to put printing and dyeing wastewater into a sealed reaction tank, add white mold, nitrosifying bacteria and other microorganisms, by breathing and metabolizing organic matter with a small amount of oxygen to produce methane and carbon dioxide, reduce the harmful substances contained in printing and dyeing wastewater method.

4, reverse osmosis equipment: reverse osmosis equipment is a technology in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment, reverse osmosis equipment through the filter membrane filtration, separation of ions, molecules and macromolecular substances in the wastewater, so as to achieve the effect of purifying printing and dyeing wastewater.


Two, printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment working principle

The working principle of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment is that different equipment realizes the purpose of purifying printing and dyeing wastewater through different technologies and principles. For example, the biofilm reactor mainly through the artificial biofilm, the organic matter and nutrients in the wastewater through the membrane filtration, into sludge, so as to reduce the effect of printing and dyeing wastewater containing harmful substances. Activated sludge method mainly adds nutrients such as ammonia nitrogen and phosphate to make printing and dyeing wastewater fully contact with activated sludge, so that it ferments and metabolizes organic matter, and reduces organic matter emission in wastewater. The anaerobic treatment method is to put the printing and dyeing wastewater into a closed reaction tank, add some bacteria required by the anaerobic atmosphere, and then use pressure filtration of nitrosation, so as to reduce the discharge of harmful substances in the wastewater.

Third, printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment application

Printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment has a wide range of applications, can be used in textile, printing and dyeing, leather, food and other industries of wastewater treatment and recovery. The main application function of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment is to purify polluted wastewater and make wastewater discharge meet the relevant national standards. Secondly, in the case of meeting the development of the printing and dyeing industry, the printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment can recycle the useful substances in the printing and dyeing wastewater, so as to reduce waste discharge and reduce resource restrictions, and achieve the purpose of sustainable development.

In short, printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment is an essential part of the printing and dyeing industry, which plays a very important role in the entire industry chain, and is of great significance for environmental protection and human health. With the continuous development of science and technology and the improvement of people's environmental awareness, printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment will play a more important role and become a strong support for the sustainable development of the printing and dyeing industry.

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