Printing and dyeing wastewater zero discharge system


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How to choose the wastewater treatment equipment suitable for printing and dyeing industry?

2023-06-13 15:40:29

Printing and dyeing industry is a traditional mass industry, which has a great impact on the environment. Among them, waste water pollution is a particularly serious problem. Printing and dyeing wastewater contains a large number of organic substances, pigments, high pH factors, if not properly treated, will seriously pollute the environment, people's health and ecological environment have caused great harm. Therefore, printing and dyeing enterprises need to choose suitable wastewater treatment equipment to achieve reasonable sewage treatment standards and maintain the balance between production activities and the environment.

The selection of suitable wastewater treatment equipment needs to consider the following aspects:

1. Company scale

The size of printing and dyeing enterprises determines the choice of sewage treatment equipment. Small printing and dyeing enterprises usually produce less waste water emissions, you can choose small biological ponds, reverse osmosis water treatment equipment and other equipment. The sewage volume of medium-sized and large enterprises is large, and it is necessary to pay attention to the content of some pollutants, the treatment effect and the treatment cost.

2. Categories of raw materials

Choosing the right wastewater treatment equipment also needs to focus on the type of production of raw materials and its impact, printing and dyeing enterprises often use dyes, auxiliaries and other substances containing some heavy metals, organic compounds, etc., have adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, in the selection of wastewater treatment equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of some equipment with better comprehensive performance, such as activated carbon adsorption equipment, biological bed treatment equipment, etc., in order to reduce the impact of harmful substances.


Third, sewage treatment effect

The treatment effect of sewage treatment equipment should also be one of the considerations in the selection. The wastewater produced by printing and dyeing enterprises mainly contains a lot of organic matter, pigment, pH and other environmental pollution elements, which pollute the environment greatly. Therefore, when selecting equipment, the effect of sewage treatment equipment should be considered, such as the selection of suitable biological pools, deep treatment systems and other equipment.

4. Service life

The life of sewage treatment equipment is another key factor, due to the high risk of pollution caused by the production environment of printing and dyeing enterprises, a long time will cause a certain degree of corrosion and damage to the equipment. In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, it is necessary to take into account the service life and cost performance of the equipment, and choose the equipment that is suitable for its durability, high quality and long-term reliability.

5. Investment costs

When printing and dyeing enterprises choose wastewater treatment equipment, they also need to consider equipment investment costs and later maintenance costs. Different wastewater treatment equipment will be different in terms of investment, therefore, enterprises need to make a certain evaluation of their economic strength, and according to their own actual situation and production requirements, choose their own sewage treatment equipment.

To sum up, printing and dyeing enterprises choose suitable wastewater treatment equipment not only need to consider economic strength, but also need to consider from the scale, raw material category, treatment effect, service life, investment costs and other aspects. Enterprises need to comprehensively evaluate different wastewater treatment equipment, in order to achieve accurate sewage treatment effect, choose their own equipment and take reasonable management measures, in order to truly achieve sewage treatment and environmental protection win-win situation.

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